Financial Modelling
Modelling Consultancy
A1 Financial Modelling specialises in the design, production and support of bespoke financial models used to inform all business processes and decisions, including:
• Financial performance / forecasting,
• Project evaluation / fundraising,
• Management information / KPI reporting,
• Mergers & acquisitions,
• Securing development capital,
• Administration / corporate recovery,
• Refinancing, and
• PPI projects.
All of our models are designed to be as simple as possible as to facilitate effective and independent use, minimise user error but retain the necessary levels of detail and accuracy. To augment this, our clients typically supplement consultancy work with complementary modelling training to enable them to realise continued benefits from our services.

Specialist Financial Model Development
We operate as our clients’ trusted financial modelling business partner, working collaboratively to produce quality business tools to support informed business decisions.
Your specialist sector knowledge is combined with our financial modelling expertise to produce a quick and cost effective solution. This allows your industry experts to focus on the day job and maximise their value to the business rather than requiring them to develop new modelling skills.
The end result is a higher quality, bespoke spreadsheet that can be easily controlled, manipulated and understood by all client parties, can include added functionality such as scenario or stress testing, and will stand up to rigorous commercial challenge.
We also apply our independent commercial challenge to your models, identifying weak assumptions and simplistic or overly complex calculation methodologies.
Existing Model Rebuild
Financial models require maintenance and, periodically, overhaul. Business needs change, timelines alter, people move on and functionality requirements continuously evolve.
Spreadsheets can also become unclear, not fit for purpose and difficult or time consuming to maintain. This is especially true where they are large, complex, used over an extended period of time, or are accessed by multiple users.
With this in mind we can transform your existing models into Flexible, Accurate, Structured and Transparent best practice models that are simple to use, amend and understand, adding new functionality as required.
Transforming models to reflect best practice will also extend a spreadsheet’s useful operational life, identify deeply buried calculation errors, simplify and improve logic, and remove erroneous data and functionality.
We can also provide detailed software generated model integrity reports as well as review existing models purely for accuracy and suggestions for improvement.

Corporate Finance / Mergers & Acquisitions
We have significant experience in the development of models to support transactions or the raising of bank or investor finance. Successfully supported transactions have ranged from £10million to £120million in deal value.
In these situations integrity is paramount. Small but avoidable errors in your financial projections can undermine the confidence of potential investors in all the information you provide, as well as delaying the process considerably or halting it altogether.
A robust model with transaction functionality, a detailed financing structure overlay, covenant testing and scenarios/sensitivities will impress and comfort interested parties and can ultimately generate increased value for your business or proposition.
A1 Financial Modelling complies with the FAST standard and all other best practice in its financial modelling consultancy and modelling training courses.
To enquire further about any of our services, please contact A1 Financial Modelling.
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